From explosive chord work to high velocity leads, the DOD Gunslinger Mosfet Distortion has the touch sensitivity, string-separation and saturation to do all your dirty work. USING GUNSLINGER: Most guitarists/bassists will favor placing the Gunslinger at the beginning of their chain of effects, so start with that placement. A typical effects signal chain will consist of Distortion effects first then Modulation effects (Chorus, Flanger,
€ 95.00

From explosive chord work to high velocity leads, the DOD Gunslinger Mosfet Distortion has the touch sensitivity, string-separation and saturation to do all your dirty work.

Most guitarists/bassists will favor placing the Gunslinger at the beginning of their chain of effects, so start with that placement. A typical effects signal chain will consist of Distortion effects first then Modulation effects (Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, etc...) next and then finally Time based effects (Delay and Reverb).
Placing the Gunslinger toward the front of your chain or effects will preserve the vibe no matter the pedal combination that follows. That being said you may wish to experiment with different effect placements.

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  • Analog Mosfet Distortion pedal
  • Wide range of touch-sensitive gain
  • 9V or 18V operation
  • True Bypass
  • Lightweight Aluminium case
  • Modern 9V DC power supply input